In addition to the series of talks held on the stage of the stand in the exhibition area, Madrid Capital Digital has played a significant role in the activities included in the official program of the congress.
Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room |
Predicting Tomorrow through Data-Driven Management | Fernando de Pablo | |
Green Agora | Smart city platform "Intelligent Madrid" | Sergio Caballero, Carlos Rubio y Antonio García de la Paz | |
Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room |
AI Enabling Urban Decision-Making | Juan Corro | |
The Madrid Capital Digital strategy has won the "Enabling Technologies Award."
During the three days of the congress, presentations were given to various national and international delegations, introducing them to both the Madrid Capital Digital strategy and the more than 40 projects showcased in the exhibition area. The content of these presentations can be downloaded here:
Korea | KWATER. Delegation |
LATAM | Delegation of municipalities and public sector representatives from various Latin American cities |
Jordan - Greater Amman Municipality | Smart city technical team. Delegation |
Australia - Members of IPWEA | (Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia). Delegation |
Prague Reception | Delegation |
Colombia | Mayor and public sector representatives. Delegation |
EIT Urban Mobility | Gold Partners. Delegation |
Canada | Members of the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF). Delegation |
European Commission representatives | Delegation |
South Korea | School of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, South Korea |
Argentina | Argentine Federation of Municipalities (FAM). Public sector representative delegation |
Shenzen | Delegation |
Korea | Members of the delegation from the Korean Standards Association (Group 1) |
University Center FACENS | Group of students. Sorocaba, Brazil |
India | Public sector representatives. Delegation |
Rome | Delegation |
Korea | Cheonan City - Public sector representative delegation |
Korea | Land and Housing Corporation. Delegation |
Dominican Republic | Public sector representative delegation |
Argentina | Argentine Federation of Municipalities (FAM). Public sector representative delegation |
Slovak Republic | Technical sector representatives. Delegation |
Malaysia | Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation |
Malaysia | Members of the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). Delegation |
Taiwan | Members of the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF). Delegation |
LATAM | Municipalities and public sector representatives from various Latin American cities. Delegation |
GIGA UNICEF ITU | Delegation of technical representatives (Group 1). Delegation |
GIGA UNICEF ITU | Delegation of technical representatives (Group 2). Delegation |
Spain | Digital Catalonia Alliance (DCA). Delegation |